PARSCH Oil barrier
effective help against oil

Technical information
flexible oil barrier designed for the removal of water-surface contamination
Oil barrier by PARSCH
Protecting the environment is an increasingly important concern for many companies and municipalities. In this context, water protection plays a central role. It is imperative to prevent oil or other floating pollutants from contaminating drinking water or equally our ecologically valuable habitat of humans and animals. Nevertheless, it may happen that contaminants find their way into a lake, harbor, canal, or river. The PARSCH Oil Barrier is an invaluable support tool to prevent this from happening.
Thanks to the PARSCH Oil Barrier, the spreading and drifting of surface contaminants can be limited. In addition, it allows collecting and subsequently removing any pollution without causing damage.
What causes a body of water to become polluted?
The German environment is largely intact. The same applies to both standing and flowing waters. Only in exceptional cases is it worthwhile for most companies, cities, and municipalities to install a fixed dirt barrier. Nevertheless, it is quite obvious that various types of pollution can endanger lakes, ponds, rivers and other waterways in Germany:
- Agricultural discharges such as liquid manure
- Tire wear and engine oil from road traffic
- Polluted precipitation
- Industrial contamination from abandoned factory sites
- Illegal disposal of used oil
- Accidents involving vehicles that end up in the water
This list could be continued indefinitely. Any body of water, no matter how clean and protected, can become polluted within a short period of time. If this happens, in many cases fire departments are called out for professional cleaning. In addition, there are specialized companies for such cases. Both use oil booms, also called oil barriers, for this purpose.
Types of use for the PARSCH Oil Barrier
In practice, we mainly use oil barriers and oil booms in four different ways:
- As a barrage barrier on slow flowing waters
- As a collective barrier between two boats
- As a trough barrier for limitation purposes
- As a guide barrier for flowing waters
These types of operations make an oil barrier an all-purpose asset for disaster control, fire departments, or any other organizations providing assistance and support.
Benefits of oil barriers
Many organizations use the oil barrier, because a single unit in an inactive state takes up very little space. Thus, the oil barrier can be quickly transported to the place of need (carried by hand). Moreover, its handling and use is fairly simple. Once a contamination has been identified, the PARSCH Oil Barrier is swiftly ready for use. All these points make the oil barrier a particularly efficient method of collecting water pollution.
Single use barriers are also widely available on the market. These can tackle pollution in water bodies quite effectively. However, they can only be used once and must be disposed of afterwards. This is especially a problem if they are “only” wasted for exercises. In contrast, a PARSCH Oil Barrier can be cleaned and then reused without any problems.
A PARSCH Oil Barrier is equipped with special couplings at the ends of the barrel. When in use, these ensure that you can plug the individual sections together to form an exactly fitting length – and all this in record time. Thus, valuable moments are gained in the fight against water pollution.
Another important feature of an oil barrier is that it not only floats on the surface, but also creates a barrier below the water surface. For this purpose, the yellow plastic skirt that encases the fabric hose has small weights that are used to pull it down. The barrier goes up to 40 cm under water and thus prevents any contamination from spreading below the surface barrier.
The PARSCH Oil Barrier is not only used on rivers and lakes, but also in canals as well as in harbors. If you have any further questions, our PARSCH customer service team is looking forward to hearing from you.