over 260 years of experience

We are your expert for FIRE FIGHTING HOSES.

Real quality at the highest level

We produce and distribute worldwide.

More than 3,000 different hose articles

incl. special hoses according to customer requirements

Certified quality management

according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015


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We love hoses.

PARSCH Schläuche Armaturen GmbH & Co. KG is now based in the idyllic and beautiful town Ibbenbüren in Germany. This was not always the case. Franz August Parsch founded his company in the Sudetenland (Erzgebirge) in 1765. Not hoses for fire departments and industry, but high-quality buckets for daily use were the product of the first hour.

Honored by Queen Victoria

These first buckets were made of robust linen and are regarded as the forerunners of the fire hoses, irrigation, industrial and drinking water hoses that are so widely used today, and rightly so. The manufacture of these products began in 1801, and even then PARSCH was a technical pioneer. The hose factory and the hose weaving mill were equipped with wooden looms, which were state of the art in their time.

Not only the founder, but also the generations that followed him offered inventive and innovative spirit. In 1851, the first world exhibition took place in London. The grandson of Franz A. Parsch showed the guests from all over the world what fire hoses from PARSCH were capable of. Queen Victoria, impressed by the technology, honored the work of the hose manufacturer with a coveted diploma.

Expulsion, new beginning & continuing success

Like many other families, the Parsch family was expelled from the Sudetenland. They found a new home in Ibbenbüren. From 1950, the hose weaving business was continued here with local labor. What followed is a real success story. Innovative manufacturing processes (e.g. continuous production) made it possible to produce faster, better and in the highest possible quality. Today, more than 2 million meters of hose are produced each year by around 60 employees. PARSCH quality hoses are used by fire departments, in mining, industry and agriculture. PARSCH – State-of-the-art hose technology for over 260 years. Made in Germany.


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Not only the founder, but also the generations that followed him offered inventive and innovative spirit. In 1851, the first world exhibition took place in London. The grandson of Franz A. Parsch showed the guests from all over the world what fire hoses from PARSCH were capable of. Queen Victoria, impressed by the technology, honored the work of the hose manufacturer with a coveted diploma.

Expulsion, new beginning & continuing success

Like many other families, the Parsch family was expelled from the Sudetenland. They found a new home in Ibbenbüren. From 1950, the hose weaving business was continued here with local labor. What followed is a real success story. Innovative manufacturing processes (e.g. continuous production) made it possible to produce faster, better and in the highest possible quality. Today, more than 2 million meters of hose are produced each year by around 60 employees. PARSCH quality hoses are used by fire departments, in mining, industry and agriculture. PARSCH – State-of-the-art hose technology for over 260 years. Made in Germany.